Alicante city map

Alicante Spain: Map of the city
The city of Alicante runs lengthwise along the coast, gradually moving inland, with neighbourhoods such as San Blas and San Blas Alto or the Altozano quarter to the West; the Benalúa or Babel quarters to the South, or the San Antón and Carolinas quarters to the North, among others. Thus, the city forms a kind of semicircle facing the sea.
Zador language School in Alicante is located right in the city centre, among the Central Market and Theatre, at the Constitution Avenue 14, 10 minutes on foot from El Postiguet beach.
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Alicante: city map

Zador Spanish language school in Alicante is located in the city center, on the Avenida de la Constitución, number 14 — first floor, left door; almost at the corner of Alfonso el Sabio Street, between the Central Market and the Theatre.
Click on the Alicante city map to see where Zador Spanish language school is located.

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