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Contents of the exam for University Access for foreigners


First exercise

Its aim is to appreciate the student’s general education and maturity, so that it is designed for evaluating basic academic skills, such as concept comprehension, language use and the capacity of translation, relation, analysis and synthesis. It consists of the following subjects:

a) Text Commentary and Spanish Language. First, with regard to a written text, the student must answer several questions related to it, resume its content and write a critic commentary following the instructions that appear in the exam. Secondly, the student will be proposed several issues on Spanish Language concerning to the text. The exercises corresponding to the text commentary and to Spanish Language will be answered in two separate sheets and they will also be qualified separately, from zero to ten points.

b) Foreign Language. With regard to a text written in the foreign language chosen by the student (English, French, Deutsch, Italian or Portuguese), with a maximum of 250 words of common language, non-specialised, the student must answer several questions related to the aforementioned text. Both the question formulation and the answers will be written and in the same language.

Each subject will be qualified from zero to ten points.

The final mark of this first exercise will be obtained by applying the following formula:

Final mark of the first exercise = 0.222 X1 + 0.443 X2 + 0.335 X3


X1 = Mark obtained in the "Text Commentary"
X2 = Mark obtained in "Spanish Language"
X3 = Mark obtained in "Foreign Language"

To make this exercise the student must chose, on doing his/her registration, between the “Sciences” option and the “Social Sciences-Humanities” option. During the exam, and within the chosen option, the student will select three subjects among the following:

Sciences option: Mathematics I, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology and Technical Drawing.

Social Sciences-Humanities option: Literature, Contemporary World History, Latin, Greek, Art History, Mathematics II and Philosophy.

The student will answer in writing and in separate sheets a group of questions selected from the proposed ones, concerning the different units of the programmes of each of the three chosen subjects. The proposed questions can be theoretical or practical (problems), if the subject requires.

The arithmetical mean of the two exercises will be the GLOBAL QUALIFICATION.

The FINAL MARK of the Aptitude tests for University Access is calculated by balancing a 40% of the global qualification of the test and a 60% of the mean mark of the student’s equivalent Baccalaureate and C.O.U. (University Training Course).


Spanish Courses Brochure 2015
Spain Spanish Courses 2014

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Spain Spanish Course Prices 2014



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