To evaluate your Spanish language level

To evaluate your Spanish level to learn Spanish in Spain at Zador schools of Spanish

If you are going to take part in a Spanish courses at ZADOR, Spanish language schools either in Alicante or Vitoria, you should provide us information at the enrolmente form to enable us to define your level of Spanish language.

“Learn Spanish in small groups with a communicative focus”

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To evaluate your Spanish language level

Spanish courses for adults Alicante Spain
    1. First, please answer a few questions to let us know how long you have been studying Spanish, what Spanish books and material you have used, whether you have studied on your own or you have taken Spanish classes, whether you have been to a Spanish speaking country and, if so, for how long.
    2. We would also like to know at what level of Spanish language do you place yourself according to the Diagram of Spanish language Levels.
    3. When you arrive at Zador Spanish language school in Alicante or Vitoria, a level test of Spanish of about 60-90 minutes and a one-to-one interview will be the third step allowing us to place you in the most appropriate Spanish class.
    4. This test can also help you establish your objectives for learning Spanish and calculate the time you will need to attain the Spanish level you want, given that you already know your rhythm of learning Spanish and the time you have.

"Do not forget that this is a general classification of Spanish levels. When it comes to really dominating a Spanish language, because of the variety of factors to be taken into account, there can be no exclusive language levels nor does everyone have the same rate of learning Spanish language."

About ZadorSpain

ZadorSpain Spanish schools is a Spanish language company with long and accredited experience teaching languages since 1990. Zadorspain offers two Spanish language schools in Spain: in Alicante, Mediterranean Coast, and Vitoria, Northern Spain.

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ZadorSpain Contact Info

  • Address:

  • Alicante: Avda. Constitución, 14 03002 Alicante SPAIN
  • Vitoria: Cercas Bajas, 15 01001 Vitoria SPAIN

  • Phone Alicante: (+34) 965142371

  • Phone Vitoria: (+34) 945234895

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