Spanish for travelers
Commonly phrases used in Spanish
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Spanish phrases to travel to Spain
Spanish words, vocabulary and commonly used Spanish phrases you will find useful if you plan to travel to Spain.
Spanish phrases for asking directions.
¿Puede decirme dónde está ...?
Could you tell where the ... is?
Perdone, ¿sabe si hay una farmacia por aquí cerca?
Sí, hay una al final de esta calle a la derecha.
Muchas gracias.
De nada.
Excuse me, do you know if there is a pharmacy somewhere around here?
Yes, there is one at the end of this street on the right.
Thank you very much.
You´re welcome.
¿Dónde hay banco cerca de aquí?
Were can I find bank near here?
¿Puede decirme cómo llegar a la calle ...? Gire/tuerza a la izquierda
Gire/tuerza a la derecha
Could you tell me how get to ... street?
Turn left
Turn right
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