General Information of the Basque Country
Population |
2.116.240 |
Population density |
287,9 inhabitants/Km2 |
Life expextancy men |
76,4 |
Life expextancy women |
83,7 |
Area covered |
7,234 km2 |
Lenght of the coast |
252 kms. |
Maximum hight |
,1,551 mts. |
No. of principal rivers |
19 |
Average annual temperature |
14,36º C |
Average minimum temperature |
9,96 º C |
Average maximum temperature |
19,23 º C |
Capital |
Vitoria |
Biggest town |
Bilbao |
Provinces |
3: Alava, Guipuzkoa, Vizcaya. |
Airports |
3 |
Ports |
3 |
Technology Parks |
3 |
Basque Country overview
If one had to define the Basque Country, one could say that the whole world is present in this small country. One can discover a surprising biodiversity within a 100-kilometre radius.
The North is dominaifeexpextancy womented by the ocean and the mountains, covered in wonderful green, while the South has a more Mediterranean landscape, with its vineyards speckling the ever-ochre horizon with green.
Big cities, small villages and isolated farmhouses live in perfect harmony. The industrial centres with their intense activity, do not destroy the natural spaces, thereby preserving some of the most delicate ecosystems.
Beyond the dazzling natural environment, the romantic towns or the rich artistic heritage, the Basque country is defined by its people, above all.
We are a friendly people with a strong character, who proudly preserve our ancient culture and show the same enthusiasm for life and liberty.
See you soon in the Basque Country, Spain!
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