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Free Phone consulting

Free Spanish courses quotation

Contact with ZADOR Spanish language schools in Spain, if you want us to phone

If you need more information about our Spanish Language Schools, Spanish courses, accommodation, activities for your free time while learning Spanish, Transfer or Insurance, please do not hesitate in contact us and we will phone you back to answer your questions.

Choose the contact option most convenient for you: Send us an e-mail or phone us and we will phone you back.

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Phone or send a fax to ZADOR, Spanishs schools in Alicante or Vitoria
Phone and fax: 0034 965 142371
Phone: 00 34 945 234895
Fax: 00 34 945 234910

Visit our Spanish language schools in Alicante or Vitoria
Avenida de la Constitución,14
03002 ALICANTE Spain
Zador Spanish school in AlicanteClick to enlarge

Cercas Bajas, 15
01001 VITORIA Spain

Zador Spanish school in VitoriaClick to enlarge



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Spain travel information
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Learn Spanish in Spain in Alicante and Vitoria

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